Cream Of Wheat Lysine and Arginine Info Sheet


Cream of wheat is a type of porridge made from finely ground wheat semolina.

It is low in fat, but high in carbohydrates, iron, and calcium.

Cream of wheat can be cooked with water or milk, and sweetened with sugar, honey, or maple syrup.

It can also be flavored with spices, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, or vanilla, or topped with fruits, nuts, or chocolate.

Cream of wheat may have some health benefits, such as providing energy, preventing anemia, and strengthening bones and teeth.

However, it may also contain gluten, which can cause allergic or intolerant reactions in some people, such as celiac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis, or wheat allergy.

NameLysine (mg/100g)Arginine (mg/100g)Ratio
Cream Of Wheat39mg66mg0.59

Cream Of Wheat contains 39mg of Lysine and 66mg of Arginine per 100g of product.

This means Cream Of Wheat has a low Lysine-Arginine ratio of 0.59.

Because Cream Of Wheat contains slightly more arginine than lysine, reducing its consumption may help people who suffer from herpes, as it may lower the viral activity.

Lysine Considerations

Cream of wheat is a poor source of lysine, an essential amino acid that is important for protein synthesis, collagen formation, and calcium absorption.

Lysine may also help prevent cold sores, herpes, and shingles.

Cream of wheat provides about 39 mg of lysine per 100 grams of food, which is about 1-5% of the recommended daily intake of 800-3000 mg for adults.

Lysine, a essential amino acid, is required by the body to synthesize proteins and bolster the immune system.

Lysine has the potential to prevent or treat cold sores, which are blisters caused by the HSV-1 virus, also known as herpes.

Lysine operates by working against the proliferation of HSV-1, which relies on another amino acid, arginine, to reproduce and infect cells.

Lysine can only be acquired through our diet, and is present in different high-protein foods such as eggs, milk and cheese, fish, meat and poultry.

Arginine Considerations

Cream of wheat is also a poor source of arginine, another essential amino acid that is involved in nitric oxide production, wound healing, and immune function.

Arginine may also help improve blood flow, erectile dysfunction, and athletic performance.

Cream of wheat provides about 66 mg of arginine per 100 grams of food, which is about 1-2% of the recommended daily intake of 400-6000 mg for adults.

Arginine is a semi-essential amino acid that our body can use to make nitric oxide, a compound that improves blood circulation, cellular communication, and energy production.

Arginine has different benefits for our wellbeing and performance, such as lowering blood pressure, enhancing wound healing, and increasing exercise endurance.

Arginine can also affect the herpes virus, which causes cold sores and genital herpes.

Studies suggest that arginine may help the virus grow and cause outbreaks, so people with herpes may want to avoid foods that are high in arginine or take lysine supplements to block its effects.

Lysine-Arginine Ratio

Cream of wheat has a moderate lysine-arginine ratio of 0.590, which means that it has slightly more arginine than lysine.

This ratio may affect the balance of these amino acids in the body, and may influence the risk of viral infections, such as herpes simplex virus (HSV).

Some studies suggest that a higher lysine-arginine ratio may help suppress HSV replication, while a lower ratio may promote it.

Therefore, cream of wheat may not be the best choice for people who have or are prone to HSV outbreaks.

However, the lysine-arginine ratio is not the only factor that affects HSV, and other factors, such as stress, immunity, and diet quality, should also be considered.

Lysine-Arginine Ratio in Cream Of Wheat

The lysine-arginine ratio in a food item reflects the relative quantities of these two amino acids.

Both lysine and arginine are essential for protein synthesis and various other bodily functions.

They, however, have opposing effects on the herpes simplex virus, which causes cold sores and genital herpes.

Lysine can prevent the replication of the virus, whereas arginine can stimulate it.

Thus, a diet rich in foods with a high lysine to arginine ratio may help reduce the occurrence and severity of herpes flare-ups.

Foods that have a high lysine-arginine ratio include milk and cheese products, fish, poultry, fruits, and vegetables.

These foods can provide the body with enough lysine to compete with arginine and inhibit the virus from replicating and causing outbreaks.

Dietary Considerations

Wheat is a cereal grain that is widely used to make bread, pasta, and baked goods.

Wheat contains gluten, starch, and fiber, which can have various effects on digestion and blood sugar levels.

Wheat also contains lysine and arginine, but the amount is higher in arginine than lysine.

This makes wheat less beneficial for people with herpes, as arginine can trigger herpes flare ups.

Wheat should be avoided or consumed in moderation by people with herpes.

Lysine/Arginine Guide for Cream Of Wheat
Cream Of Wheat - Herpes Dietary Recommendations
As well as eating foods that have a high proportion of lysine to arginine, you can also adopt some other dietary habits to deal with herpes outbreaks.

For example:

A well-balanced and healthy diet that strengthens your immune system and lowers inflammation is important.

This means you should eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and good fats, and avoid processed foods, added sugars, alcohol, and caffeine.

Avoid alcoholic beverages and caffeine which can overstimulate your body, leave you dehydrated, and compromise your immune system.You may want to take l-lysine supplements.

L-lysine is known to prevent herpes outbreaks and it can help stop a cold sore in its initial stages by "starving" the virus of arginine before it has a chance to cause a cold sore.

Your immune system can be weakened and inflammation can be increased by foods that can cause allergic reactions or sensitivities, such as gluten, dairy, nuts, eggs, or shellfish.

Avoid these foods to avoid outbreaks.

Eating foods that can soothe your symptoms and speed up your healing process, such as honey, yogurt, aloe vera, and chamomile.

These foods have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial properties that can reduce pain, swelling, and itching, and promote tissue repair.

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