Tangerine Lysine and Arginine Info Sheet


Tangerine is a small and sweet citrus fruit that has a bright orange color and a thin peel.

It is a hybrid of mandarin and pomelo, and is also known as mandarin orange or clementine.

It is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, and flavonoids.

Tangerine can be eaten fresh, juiced, or preserved. It is often used in salads, desserts, jams, and drinks.

NameLysine (mg/100g)Arginine (mg/100g)Ratio

Tangerine contains 27mg of Lysine and 37mg of Arginine per 100g of product.

This means Tangerine has a low Lysine-Arginine ratio of 0.73.

Because Tangerine contains slightly more arginine than lysine, reducing its consumption may help people who suffer from herpes, as it may lower the viral activity.

Lysine Considerations

Tangerine is not a good source of lysine, as it contains only 27 mg of lysine per 100 grams of food.

Lysine is an essential amino acid that is important for protein synthesis, collagen formation, and immune function.

Lysine is an essential amino acid that the body needs to build proteins.

It is one of the nine amino acids that the body cannot make by itself, so it has to come from the food we eat.

Lysine has a variety of functions in the body, such as helping with growth, healing, energy, immunity, and collagen production.

Lysine may also have some effects on the herpes virus, which causes cold sores and genital sores.

Studies have suggested that taking lysine supplements or applying lysine cream may help prevent or treat these infections by blocking the amino acid arginine, which the virus needs to grow.

Arginine Considerations

Tangerine is also not a good source of arginine, as it contains only 37 mg of arginine per 100 grams of food.

Arginine is a semi-essential amino acid that is involved in nitric oxide production, wound healing, and blood pressure regulation.

Arginine is a important amino acid that the body uses to build proteins.

Arginine has different functions in the body, including wound healing, helping the kidneys remove waste products from the body, and maintaining immune and hormone function.

Arginine also plays a role in the replication of the herpes virus, making it a key factor in cold sore outbreaks.

The herpes virus requires arginine to grow, replicate, and create new herpes viruses.

Foods a great source of arginine, such as nuts and chocolate, may increase the frequency and severity of these outbreaks.

Lysine-Arginine Ratio

Tangerine has a low lysine-arginine ratio of 0.730, which means it has more arginine than lysine.

This ratio may affect the balance of these amino acids in the body, and may have implications for viral infections, such as herpes simplex virus (HSV), which requires arginine for replication.

Lysine-Arginine Ratio in Tangerine

The lysine-arginine ratio in a food item reflects the relative quantities of these two amino acids.

Both lysine and arginine are essential for protein synthesis and various other bodily functions.

They, however, have opposing effects on the herpes simplex virus, which causes cold sores and genital herpes.

Lysine can stunt the replication of the virus, whereas arginine can stimulate it.

Thus, a diet rich in foods with a high lysine to arginine ratio may help reduce the occurrence and severity of herpes outbreaks.

Foods that have a high lysine-arginine ratio include dairy products products, fish, poultry, fruits, and vegetables.

These foods can provide the body with enough lysine to compete with arginine and inhibit the virus from replicating and causing symptoms.

Dietary Considerations

Fruits are generally high in natural sugars, water, and vitamin C.

Some fruits have more lysine than arginine, such as papaya, mango, apricot, apple, pear, fig, and avocado.

These fruits can help slow down or lessen herpes outbreaks, as lysine can counteract the effects of arginine.

Other fruits have more arginine than lysine, such as oranges, tangerines, grapes, bananas, strawberries, and kiwis.

These fruits can still be consumed in moderation, as they have other health benefits.

Lysine/Arginine Guide for Tangerine
Tangerine - Herpes Dietary Recommendations
Besides consuming foods with a high ratio of lysine to arginine, you should also follow some other dietary tips to cope with herpes outbreaks.

For example:

A diverse and nutritious diet that supports your immune system and fights inflammation is essential.

This means you should eat lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats, and steer clear of processed foods, added sugars, alcohol, and caffeine, which can harm your health.

Drinking enough water to keep yourself hydrated and remove toxins from your body.

Water can also help prevent dryness and irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, which can result in fewer outbreaks.

Consider taking l-lysine supplements, which can help prevent herpes outbreaks and stop a cold sore before it emerges by limiting the availability of arginine for the virus, which it requires to produce a cold sore.

Other food supplements, such as vitamin C, zinc, selenium, and antioxidants, can help you boost your immunity and protect your cells from oxidative stress.

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