Beef Bone Broth Lysine and Arginine Info Sheet


Beef bone broth is a liquid made from boiling beef bones in water. It is often used in soups and sauces.

Beef bone broth is rich in nutrients like gelatin and collagen, which are good for joint health. It’s also a good source of protein. The gelatin in the broth, which comes from the collagen in bones and connective tissue, is rich in arginine.

NameLysine (mg/100g)Arginine (mg/100g)Ratio
Beef Bone Broth57mg147.2mg0.39

Beef Bone Broth contains 57mg of Lysine and 147.2mg of Arginine per 100g of product.

This means Beef Bone Broth has a low Lysine-Arginine ratio of 0.39.

Because Beef Bone Broth contains much higher levels of arginine than lysine, limiting its consumption is recommended by people who suffer from herpes, as it may trigger outbreaks.

Lysine Considerations

Beef bone broth contains 57mg of lysine per 100g. Lysine is an essential amino acid that is important for normal growth and muscle turnover.

Lysine, a essential amino acid, is required by the body to synthesize proteins and bolster the immune system.

Lysine has the potential to prevent or treat cold sores, which are blisters caused by the HSV-1 virus, also known as herpes.

Lysine operates by stunting the proliferation of HSV-1, which relies on another amino acid, arginine, to reproduce and infect cells.

Lysine can only be acquired through our diet, and is present in multiple high-protein foods such as eggs, milk and cheese, fish, meat and poultry.

Arginine Considerations

Beef bone broth contains more arginine than lysine, with 147.2mg of arginine per 100g.

Arginine is a semi-essential amino acid that is involved in several bodily functions.

Arginine is an amino acid that our body needs to make nitric oxide, a compound that helps with blood circulation, energy, and communication between cells.

Arginine can improve your overall health and performance, such as lowering your blood pressure, healing your wounds, and boosting your exercise endurance.

Arginine can be made by the body or obtained from foods like meat, dairy, nuts, and soy.

Unfortunately, the herpes virus is known to "feed" on arginine, and having a diet higher in arginine than lysine may increase the occurrence and severity of cold sores and herpes outbreaks.

Lysine-Arginine Ratio

Beef bone broth has a lower lysine-arginine ratio, which means it has more arginine relative to lysine.

However, consuming the meat of the animal along with the broth, such as in dishes like Vietnamese pho, can greatly increase the lysine content and thus improve the ratio.

Lysine-Arginine Ratio in Beef Bone Broth

A food's lysine-arginine ratio indicates how much of these two amino acids it contains.

Both lysine and arginine are important for protein synthesis and other bodily functions.

The two compounds can affect the herpes simplex virus, which is responsible for cold sores and genital herpes, in opposite ways.

Lysine can the body or stop the virus from reproducing, while arginine can help it propagate.

Eating foods with a high lysine-arginine ratio could help lower the appearance and severity of herpes outbreaks.

Some foods that have a high lysine-arginine ratio are dairy, fish, poultry, fruits, and vegetables.

These foods can give the body enough lysine to prevent the virus from taking up arginine, and thus stop its growth and spread.

Dietary Considerations

Soups and broths can be made from different types of proteins and vegetables, such as chicken soup, vegetable soup, or tomato soup.

Soup is generally healthy and a good source of lysine, especially if it contains poultry or seafood, which are high in lysine and not very high in arginine.

That said, some soups may have a higher arginine content if they are made with mainly grains and cereals, such as corn, barley, or rice.

These ingredients can increase the arginine-lysine ratio in the soup and make it less beneficial for people with herpes.

Because of this, soups should be chosen carefully and preferably contain more lysine-rich foods than arginine-rich foods.

Interestingly, bovine herpesvirus 1 is a form of herpes that cows can contract.

This virus, however, is species-specific and does not affect humans.

This means that you can enjoy beef (or any other type of meat) without any apprehensions about catching herpes.

Lysine/Arginine Guide for Beef Bone Broth
Beef Bone Broth - Herpes Dietary Recommendations
Besides consuming foods with a high ratio of lysine to arginine, you should also follow some other dietary tips to cope with herpes outbreaks.

For example:

Make sure to drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and eliminate toxins from your body.

Water can also help you avoid dryness and irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, which can lead to outbreaks.

L-lysine supplementscan help you prevent herpes outbreaks and stop a cold sore before it develops by depriving the virus of arginine, which it needs to form a cold sore.

Your immune system can be weakened and inflammation can be increased by foods that can cause allergic reactions or sensitivities, such as gluten, dairy, nuts, eggs, or shellfish.

Avoid these foods to avoid outbreaks.

Pain, swelling, and itching can be reduced by eating foods that have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial properties, such as honey, yogurt, aloe vera, and chamomile.

These foods can also help you heal faster by promoting tissue repair.

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